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Treasure Hunt in Wadi Nisnas

During the first weeks in Haifa I already noticed that my circle of everyday-life was happening mainly between Hadar and the Technion campus - my living and studying area - and a bit Bat Galim to enjoy the beach. I decided to broaden my Haifa "knowledge", go down to the Downtown, the German Colony and Wadi Nisnas and strolling around and I discovered the Museum Without Walls in a nice market area. I got the map and a flyer with interesting background informations from the Arab Jewish Cultural Center named Beit Hagefen and all art installation were indicated on this map for the neighborhood. It is impressing how good the artist used the environment to their art installations. Sometimes I even felt like an excited kid on a treasure hunt, looking curiously and precisely into every alleyway and on every wall because I did not want to miss anything.


What I noticed about the Market "Suk El Wad" in Wadi Nisnas is the quietness and friendly atmosphere. This neighborhood is full of low houses, small alleyways and car-free ways. Car are not really able to pass.


In contrast to the Talpiot Market in Hadar, which has a junction, many noisy cars passing and exhaust smoke, where the spirit is a bit more hectic and crowded. I experienced and appreciated the market in Wadi Nisnas a lot and liked to be accompanied by these art installations even though I am not sure what meaning they have for the residents. The market has been there before the art installations. I felt that probably they get more attention from non-residents, from outsiders or tourists to bring them into this area.


Two main activities were happening with a connection to the space: the market life with buyers and sellers and some tourists getting to know the area and taking pictures of the open gallery. The market does not really interact with the art on my first impression.

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